Simply A Quilter's Life

freemotion quilting on pumpkin wall quilt

Freemotion Quilting Explained

Freemotion quilting relies entirely on the vision and skill of the operator rather than a computer. 

Freemotion Quilting Explained

Freemotion quilting relies entirely on the vision and skill of the operator rather than a computer. 

Wondering about the Hankie Honker story?

Wondering about the Hankie Honker story?

Well, years ago, when our kids were little, they loved opening their Christmas stockings best of all. They had homemade ones, of course... that were large sized, and hard to...

Wondering about the Hankie Honker story?

Well, years ago, when our kids were little, they loved opening their Christmas stockings best of all. They had homemade ones, of course... that were large sized, and hard to...

A logo update!

A logo update!

New Logo!

A logo update!

New Logo!